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♣ 음악/연주곡

플룻 연주 음악 연속듣기

by 칠칠너래 2006. 4. 14.

Julien Dupre 작품




James Galway - 플룻에 담긴 사랑


1. Love (사랑) - 홍난파

2. Unforgetttable (못잊어) - 김동진

3. A Barley Field (보리밭) - 김동진 

4. Beauty and the Beast (미녀와 야수)

5. Zui Zui Zukkorobashi

6. Unchained Melody

7. Two for the Road

8. Full of Joy (Chinese folk tune)

9. Jesu, Joy of Man"s Desiring - Bach

10. Ballet (from Petite Suite)

11. Dreams

12. Blue Eyes